After you have successfully completed UBC Gunn IMS Certification please ensure that you are following these steps before utilizing IMS in your clinical care:

-Review your current licensing college and health authority regulations. If rostering is required for controlled acts register with your regulatory college.
-Develop an office procedure manual – This should include a needlestick protocol and written instructions for managing adverse events.
-Have the ability to appropriately document needling treatments.
-Ensure all staff that may be at risk of encountering used needles have appropriate vaccinations.
-Have appropriate written consent forms ready.
-Purchase single-use sterile dry needling or acupuncture needles (APS dry needle order form with discount)
-Gloves and handwashing station
-Alcohol wipes
-Bed sanitizer
-Swabs and q-tips to deal with body fluid
-Appropriate needle disposal sites (preferably wall mounted above waist height)
-Appropriate body fluid disposal sites and procedures
-Ensure you have a treatment area where you are not at risk of being inadvertently contacted while needling (such as being bumped through a curtain)
For safety instructions within a treatment session please review the CPA needling safety checklist (CPA membership required to download).
This checklist represents a strong starting point to ensure your clinic is ready to treat using Gunn IMS. Due to different College and Regional Health Authority Regulations we cannot ensure this list is comprehensive. It is your responsibility to contact your College and Regional Health Authority to ensure you meet all guidelines and conform to all regulations.